- 1. Shut down the government to stop the Health Care bill. They have a plan to not fund it. Senator Coburn and Rep. Mike Pence have already made it clear that this is the plan.
- 2. Attempt to privatize Social Security and Medicare. For those of us on Social Security, this would have been a total disaster when the stock market lost 40% of its value during the financial crisis.
- 3. Spend every walking hour investigating the Obama administration. Michelle Bachmann is proposing issuing subpoena after subpoena and have one hearing after another. Is this what you want your government to spend their time on? Remember when nothing got done while they impeached Clinton for a sex act that should have been nobodies business other than Hillary's. (Before some righteous individual rises up in anger at the statement I will remind the person that one of the leaders in promoting the impeachment is a thrice married man who asked his hospitalized wife for a divorce while she was in treatment for cancer so he could marry his mistress.) Oh yeah, I mean the loud mouthed Newt Gingrich.
- 4. Repeal the 14th amendment - divest immigrants' children of citizenship.
- 5. Forget Cap and Trade. Those small business men, the Koch Bros., have already donated 1 million to suspend the Global Warming legislation in California. They are oil men, after all.
- 6. Return to the disastrous economic policies that got us in the financial crisis in the first place. Rep. Darrell Issa wants finance reform repealed.
- 7. Kill or drastically slash the Food Stamp Program. Let them eat cake I guess.
- 8. Roll back and repeal equal rights for gays. The party platform has not changed and the Montana GOP platform now calls for making homosexuality illegal.
- 9. Abandon the unemployed. During one week 2 million unemployed lost their benefits while the Republicans filibustered the extension of unemployment benefits.
- 10. Paralyze one branch of our government. The Republicans will continue to obstruct anything the Democrats do because that is the way they hope to take back the White House.
I wrote this yesterday and today's NYT had the following editorial which is a very good read on this subject. Please click on the link. (You may have to click a second time. When I tested it an ad came up the first time)